MATLAB: Read Data From txt file using uigetfile…

uigetfile error read data text file .txt fopen textscan filepath fid fclose

I Have to read a file using uigetfile by this code by i face the error…
[filename,pathname,d] = uigetfile('*.txt;');
fid = fopen('filepath');
mline1 = textscan(fid, '%f%s%s%f%f%s%s%f%f ','HeaderLines',5);
Error using textscan
Invalid file identifier. Use fopen to generate a valid
file identifier.
By The Way I Already have done it without using uigetfile…
another point is data should be a number not a string cause they are going to plotted… What should i do to convert them???

Best Answer

do not put the aote matks around filepath.