MATLAB: Read string from .txt file

image processingMATLABstringstext file

Hello Sir!
There is a text file 'info.txt' containing the following line:
'banerjee.raktim 123456789045'
i want to read the strings like:
user_id = 'banerjee.raktim' % char type array. Not cell type.

password = '123456789045' % char type array. Not cell type.
i wrote this:
[username, pass] = textread('info.txt','%15c%11c',1)
But this for 15 char long & 11 char long 2 strings. What to do to read two strings of any length separated by a single space from the first line of a .txt file?
>> [username, pass] = textread('info.txt', '%s%s',1);
>> username
username =
>> whos username
Name Size Bytes Class
username 1x1 90 cell array
Grand total is 16 elements using 90 bytes
I also tried this. But this is cell type array. How to convert it to char type array?

Best Answer

Answered in the duplicate post, #403