MATLAB: Extract .txt files from a list


I am trying to extract .txt files from a list of files I created into a cell array. From there I want to put them in a directory that feeds into a loop. Can you help please?

Best Answer

If YourCell is a cell array of strings that represent file names, then
is_txt_file = ~cellfun(@isempty, regexp(YourCell, '\.txt$'));
this will give you a logical vector that you can use such as
txtFileNames = YourCell(is_txt_file);
After that you can process them however you like.
If what you have is a dir() result and you want to pick out the txt files from that, then supposing DirInfo is the directory structure,
YourCell = {};
is_txt_file = ~cellfun(@isempty, regexp(YourCell, '\.txt$'));
txtDirInfo = DirInfo(is_txt_file);