MATLAB: Read headerlines from a text file


I am trying to read each parameters in the second headerline of the file:
This is my code:
File =['data3.txt'];
fid = fopen(File,'rt');
tmp = textscan(fid, repmat('%s',1,9), 1, 'delimiter','', 'headerlines',1);
meta = tmp{1};
The problem is that the string I got is a whole string with everything connected together. Is there a way I can get these parameters separately?
The spaces between two adjacent parameters could differ from file to file.
Thank you.

Best Answer

File =['data3.txt'];
fid = fopen(File,'rt');
tmp = textscan(fid, repmat('%s',1,9), 1, 'headerlines',1);
meta = tmp{1};
>> [tmp{:}]'
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