MATLAB: Read data from cell—str​ucture–mu​ltiple fields to table


Anyone gives me some basic idea. I have one cell which is 1X1000 cell, inside is 1000 1X1 struct. Inside this struct is 6 fields….My target is to get all those data with the column head fields name, then all 1000 data goes in the table. It is nested, so I need little help. Thanks .

Best Answer

Not 100% sure of your description, but this might be what you want:
>> for i=1:3, c{i} = struct('a',i,'b',100+i); end
>> c{:}
ans =
a: 1
b: 101
ans =
a: 2
b: 102
ans =
a: 3
b: 103
>> s = [c{:}]
s =
1x3 struct array with fields:
>> t = struct2table(s)
t =
a b
_ ___
1 101
2 102
3 103