MATLAB: RBF newrb, array exceeds maximum size

Deep Learning Toolboxrbfsize;

My input dataset is 13×778162 large. I tried to create RBF network by newrb, but I got error: Error using zeros Requested 778162×778162 (4511.6GB) array exceeds maximum array size preference. My RBF network:
eg = 0.1; % sum-squared error goal
sc = 0.2; % spread constant
mn = 10; % maximum number of neurons
df = 1; % number of neurons to add between displays
net = newrb(input,target,eg,sc,mn);
Using all 778162 neurons is too much, I understand. But I use function newrb, so I thought, that I can set maximum number of neurons by parametr mn, which is set to 10 neurons, but matlab still uses too much space.

Best Answer

1. See my NEWRB posts in the NEWSGROUP and ANSWERS
greg NEWRB 149 63
2. Reverse chronological order is probably the most efficient
Your data appears to be 13 dimensional. Typically, 30 random points per dimension is sufficient for a good training set.
You don't say whether this is classification or regression. The procedures will be different.
I would start with 10 random sets of ~400 or 500 and design 10 nets. Then run the rest of the data through the nets, saving all misclassified vectors to be used as training vectors for new clusters.
Hope this helps.
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