MATLAB: Calculation of total parameters in neural network

newrb inputs

Sir How to calculate total parameters for the RBF neural network.Input neurons = 40 Hidden neurons = 100 and output = 1

Best Answer

1.Read the documentation. NEWRB doesn't work like any of the other nets.
help newrb
doc newrb
a. Notice that the goal is MSE (was SSE in previous versions). I recommend a nonzero goal. For example
goal = 0.01*mean(var(T'))
b. Ignore that trivial 3 point example
2. See the 3 RBF demos in the NN TBX
doc nnet
Neural Network Toolbox
Radial Basis Networks
3. Search the Newsgroup with
heath rbf
Hope this helps.
Thank you for formally accepting my answer.