MATLAB: Putting a matrix into an array


Hi all!
Firstly, I am not exactly sure this is possible, so forgive me if I am asking a redundant question.
I have a series of objects that are same in structure, and I want to group them into an array to keep them together. However, upon initializing such an object with a function, it returns a 2-D matrix, and the program gives me an error: "Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch.". This is the code:
T(1) = makehgtform('translate', [1 1 0]);
T(2) = makehgtform('translate', [1 -1 0]);
T(3) = makehgtform('translate', [-1 1 0]);
T(4) = makehgtform('translate', [-1 -1 0]);
I hope you understand what I'm trying to do, and what the problem is.
Thanks in advance! 🙂

Best Answer

Into a 3D array:
T = nan(4,4,N);
T(:,:,1) = makehgtform('translate', [1,1,0]);
T(:,:,2) = makehgtform('translate', [1,-1,0]);
Or a cell array:
T = cell(1,N);
T{1} = makehgtform('translate', [1,1,0]);
T{2} = makehgtform('translate', [1,-1,0]);
Where N is the number of matrices you will have.