MATLAB: Convert cell array to 3d array

cell array

i have cell array which contains multiple elements like this: a={2×1 cell,2×1 cell,2×1 cell;3×1 cell,3×1 cell,3×1 cell}
and every cell contains elements like for example for first row elements are like this:
i want to convert this cell array into a 3D array. i have tried cell2mat but it gives following error:
"CELL2MAT does not support cell arrays containing cell arrays or objects"
please help.

Best Answer

Assuming that all numeric arrays are of a size that can be concatenated together:
>> cell2mat(cellfun(@cell2mat,a,'uni',0))
ans =
2 1 1
2 1 -1
You can then use reshape to arrange the data into a 3D array. Or alternatively, use reshape or permute on the intermediate cell array:
As you did not state how you want the dimensions rearranged, it is hard to give more advice than that.