MATLAB: Programmatically initialize from source Model workspace

model workspacesimulink

Hi all,
First I want to thanks the community for all the Answers/tips I've been able to find here since I'm using matlab.
I hope this has not been answerd yet.
I've a simulink model where all of my simulink parameters are loaded from a .mat file to the model explorer. When my model is open, if I create a new simulink parameter into my mat file, I will need to "Reinitialize from source" in the model explorer my Model workspace before bein able to build.
Is there a way to add a Pre build/update command that will "Reinitialize from source" ?
Thanks for your help,

Best Answer

Try this:
hws = get_param(bdroot, 'modelworkspace');
hws.DataSource = 'MAT-File';
hws.FileName = 'params';