MATLAB: Process all files in folder using sprintf and audioread

all files in folderaudioreadaudiowriteloop filesMATLABsprintf

I'm trying to process a sequence .mp3 files with different filenames, and get them to output in a subfolder with incrementing names.
However, the script can only find files with a certain filename structure. How can i use the script on all files in the folder, while using sprintf
to make an input, which is processed by audioread? Lastly, how can i reuse the input filename when adding a digit in the output part? (%d)
Ask if you need more info. I'm quite the beginner here.
numfiles = 600;
mydata = cell(1, numfiles);
FS = 16e3; % sampling rate
for loop = 1:numfiles
input = sprintf('sounds/sentence%d.mp3', loop); % this argument should take all mp3's in folder
[x,fs] = audioread(input);
x = resample(x, FS, fs);
y = vocoder(x, FS, 8, 160, 'NOISE', 1);
CISignal = y * (rms(x)/rms(y));
CISignal = CISignal/max(abs(CISignal(:)))
output = sprintf('sounds/output/sentence%d.wav', loop); %
fprintf('Saving %s\n', output);
Thanks to everyone who can point in the right direction!
Sorry – but looking through dozens of Answers, none worked when using sprintf and audioread.

Best Answer

I figured out the input using dir, and loading filenames from the resulting array:
path = 'pathtofiles';
files = { };
FS = 16e3; % sampling rate
for loop = 1:length(files)
input = files{loop};
[x,fs] = audioread(input);
% looping processing code here
Now I need to figure out how to export the files using the same name - but I guess that's for another question, if (when) I get stuck