MATLAB: Want to read sequence of audio file from a folder


Hi, I have a folder full of audio file. For example: AA01.wav, AA02.wav and so on.
Now, I want to read the audio file by using the 'audioread' comment.
I already specify the audio file folder and also read the files this way:
wav_folder = {'c:\Data\ABC'};
for i=1:length(wav_folder)
aa = dir(fullfile(wav_folder{i}, '*.wav'));
for j=1:length(aa)
acq_fn = fullfile(wav_folder{i}, fn_lst(j).name);
[p name ext] = fileparts(acq_fn);
Now I want to read the audio files one by one. Please let me know, How can I read the files. Thanks

Best Answer

[signal, fs] = audioread(acq_fn);