MATLAB: Problems writing values from edit text box to a txt file

blankedit textguitxt

I have inserted some code under the callback function for an edit text box, it runs without any errors but when I inspect the .txt file afterwards it is blank?
endfunction edit2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
b = get(hObject,'String');
fid = fopen('b.txt');
fprintf(fid, b{:});
Originally the code was as shown below, but this gave the error 'Error using fwrite Cannot write value: unsupported class cell', adding the {:} removed this error.
endfunction edit2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
b = get(hObject,'String');
fid = fopen('b.txt');
fprintf(fid, b);
I have also tried replacing the {:} with {1}, but this still gives an empty text box?

Best Answer

You seem to be missing a format descriptor!
See if:
fprintf(fid, '%s\n', b{:});
improves the performance of your code.