MATLAB: Problems with quad


I'm trying to get a numerical value from a function using quad. In a separate .m-file I got a function looking like this:
function Wi = Wifun(y,T,TM,TMO,G2,A,b,x,Epsi,ny)
syms G2;syms T;syms TM;syms TMO;syms ny;syms A;syms Epsi;syms b;syms x;syms y;
G = G2.*(1+((T-300)./TM).*TMO);
Ei = -(1/2.*pi).*((1+ny)./(1-ny)).*G.*A.*Epsi;
Wi = -(2/3).*b.*x.*Ei.*(1./(x.^2+y.^2));
This function will produce this formula:
-(pi*A*Epsi*G2*b*x*((TMO*(T - 300))/TM + 1)*(ny + 1))/(3*(x^2 + y^2)*(ny - 1))
If I write like this:
syms y
T = 1273;
TM = 2163;
TMO = -0.5;
G2 = 126000;
A = 1.2E-29;
b = 0.000000000258;
x = 2/3*b;
Epsi = 0.00487903650119246;
ny = 0.3;
fun = @(y)-(pi.*A.*Epsi.*G2.*b.*x.*((TMO.*(T - 300))./TM + 1).*(ny + 1))./(3.*(x.^2 + y.^2).*(ny - 1));
z2 = quad(fun,-2,2)
It works and z2 gets the value of 4.0641e-027. But if instead of the 2 last lines try to write like this:
z = quad(Wifun,-2,2)
There will be this error:
??? Error using ==> fcnchk at 108
If FUN is a MATLAB object, it must have an feval method.
Error in ==> quad at 66
f = fcnchk(funfcn);
Error in ==> test at 19
z = quad(Wifun,-2,2)
Someone told me that you should write like this:
Wifun2 = str2func('Wifun');
z = quad(Wifun2,-2,2)
But then the error looks like this instead:
??? Undefined function or method 'isfinite' for input arguments of type 'sym'.
Error in ==> quad at 81
if ~isfinite(y(1))
Error in ==> test at 19
z = quad(Wifun2,-2,2)
Is there someone here that knows how I can do this?

Best Answer

Use matlabFunction() to convert the symbolic expression in to an executable routine.
That executable routine will want to take all those names as parameters but the routine you pass to quad() should only accept one parameter. To take care of this, follow the documentation about "Passing additional parameters" to quad and so on. Which, in short, would look like
wifun_handle = matlabFunction(wifun, {'y'
T' 'TM' 'TMO' 'G2' 'A' 'b' 'x' 'Epsi' 'ny'});
fun = @(y) wifun_handle(y,T,TM,TMO,G2,A,b,x,Epsi,ny);
and then pass fun to quad.
By the way, you can change your line
function Wi = Wifun(y,T,TM,TMO,G2,A,b,x,Epsi,ny)
function Wi = Wifun
as you never actually pass any parameters to Wifun itself.