MATLAB: Closed contour integral complex


I have a problem .. how can I find the value of complex contour integral : example ∮z/((z^2+4)(z-1)) dz around z-2=2 (center of circle is 2 and radius equal 2)
I answer it by using matlab but it give me error …
this is my answer :
>> fun=@(z) (z)./((z.^2+4)*(z-1));
>> g=@(theta) (2+2*cos(theta))+2i*sin(theta);
>> gprime=@(theta)-2*sin(theta)+2i*cos(theta);
>> q1=quad(@(t) fun(g(t)).*gprime(t),0,2*pi)
??? Error using ==> mtimes
Inner matrix dimensions must agree.
Error in ==> @(z)(z)./((z.^2+4)*(z-1))
Error in ==> @(t)fun(g(t)).*gprime(t)
Error in ==> quad at 77
y = f(x, varargin{:});

Best Answer

You need a 'dot' in the definition of 'fun':
fun=@(z) (z)./((z.^2+4).*(z-1));
The message "Error using ==> mtimes" is the clue to that difficulty.