MATLAB: Probleme with package image

package matlab images

my teacher gave me a book with exercises and he asked me to do them but when i strted to read the book i find that the author said (To use the book and conduct exercises on a reader’s computer, MATLAB® should be installed on the computer, the Advanced Digital Imaging Lab package that supplements the book should be copied into the computer and the MATLAB® path should be set to enable access to it from the MATLAB® command window.)
and he show this figure
Now my question this program it is not lready implanted on matlab am i right??? my teacher did not sent me the supplement package???
i wanted to ask you first maybe you can help me before i asked him
so please help me

Best Answer

That's not part of MATLAB®, at least not that I recognize. It's probably a MATLAB® program written by the course instructors/authors and when you push each button it may run code in that program or it may run a separate m-file (program). Either way you'll need MATLAB so it can run the commands in their demo programs. So do exactly what it says: "the Advanced Digital Imaging Lab package that supplements the book should be copied into the computer and the MATLAB® path should be set to enable access to it from the MATLAB® command window." and it should work.
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