MATLAB: Problem with xlswrite. Need to write text and numbers. Need help!!

xlswrite exel gui

Good day! I've developed a gui, that takes data from an excel spreadsheet and does certain calculatons to some of the data. I then need to write the answers from the GUI into certain cells in a new excel sheet. I also need the xlswrite to give the names to those values. What i've tried so far was something similar to this:
A=[1 2 3 4];
xlswrite('test.xls',[A B]);
the problem with that is that it for some reason creates .csv file instead of .xls and every letter of the text is in a separate column. I also have no idea how to write specific elements to specific cells. I tried specifying the cells in xlswrite,but it did not work. Any ideas or suggestions? Thank you!

Best Answer

You should use a cell array where each cell contains one value : a double, a string, ... but not an array !!
So try something like this:
A = { 1, 'Test' ; 2, 0 ; 3, 0 };
xlswrite( 'toto.xls', A )
After, look command : num2cell