MATLAB: Reading tooltip comments from an excel sheet


Hello everyone,
I have an Excel file with multiple sheets, that I open in MATLAB via an active X server. I then go through the sheets via a for-loop to extract the data:
[file,path] = uigetfile('*.xlsm');
Excel = actxserver ('Excel.Application');
Workbook = Excel.ActiveWorkbook;
Worksheets = Workbook.sheets;
numberOfSourceSheets = Worksheets.Count;
for i = 1:numberOfSourceSheets
sheetIndex = i;
caExcelCellInfo = get(Excel.ActiveSheet);
MyData{i,1} = caExcelCellInfo.UsedRange.Value;
So far, my code ignores the tooltip-comments that appear when hovering over a cell. Using
I can actually count them so they must be there somewhere, but I haven't found a way to actually read them. Can you guys help me?

Best Answer

Getting each cell, and then using the Comment.Text property as follows, worked for me:
comments = caExcelCellInfo.Comments
cellitem = comments.Item(1)%for the first cell- need to iterate using a loop here for each cell
cellitem .Text
I hope that helps.