MATLAB: Problem with Undefined variable or class

antipatterncallbackevalinMATLABstructundefined variable

Matlab can't see defined struct variable. And I inform you that i had connection with Robot in that time. I apologize for so many posts from me i'm not that good at programming. P1 = rpoint(kwadrat_zolty.Centroid_x*kalibracja,kwadrat_zolty.Centroid_y*kalibracja,-15.600,0,0,0,'signal',[9,-10],'pulse',[1 0.5],'wait',5); % pobranie
If someone don't know what is rpoint I wrote about it here:

Best Answer

The variable exists in your workspace, but the error is telling you that in the callback function it does not exist. Functions have their own workspace and if you don't pass them the variables explicitly they can't access them.
Without seeing the callback code and the line where you call that callback it's difficult to tell you how to fix it.