MATLAB: How to load a variable into the workspace not as a structure into a GUI


Hi everybody, I'm developing a GUI and I need to load a variable into the workspace. I'm using the "assignin" function but it generates a struct variable. This is my code:
function popupmenu1_callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
asset = 'XYZ';
assignin('base',asset, load('XYZ.mat'));
the output is XYZ struct variable. Thus, to get my data I must do XYZ.XYZ . How can avoid that and to get directly the XYZ variable (not like a struct)? Many thanks!

Best Answer

Remember, that the remote controlled creation of variables in another workspace is a bad programming style. I would avoid this strictly, but store the data inside the figure and use it from there.
But if you really want to do this:
asset = 'XYZ';
Data = load('XYZ.mat');
assignin('base', asset, Data.(asset));