MATLAB: Problem with time series objects

interpreterlabel;plottime series

Im using the following to plot a time series plot:
x = cell(1,length(Year));
fh = figure;
x = cell2mat(Data{1}');
ts1 = timeseries(x,1:length(x));
ts1.TimeInfo.Units = 'hours';
ts1.TimeInfo.StartDate = ['01-Jan-' Year]; %
ts1.TimeInfo.Format = 'mmm, yy';
However, the ylabel doesnt show as it should, in this case the ylabel should be Joules per meter squared, but the correct format isn't displayed on the plot, it just shows exactly what is written in the code. I also tried:
set(get(gca,'Ylabel'),'String','Jm ^{-2}');
But had the same outcome. How do I get the ylabel to respond as it would with regular figures?

Best Answer

h = ylabel('Jm^{-2}');
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