MATLAB: Problem with SegmentTool.


Dear all,
I have a problem (maybe small problem, but I canĀ“t handle it) with SegmentTool. I downloaded zip here–an-interactive-gui-for-segmenting-images and I unzipped this folder. But when I write to the Command Window SegmentTool, so I see this error:
Undefined function 'audioread' for input arguments of type 'char'.
Error in SegmentTool (line 133)
[wav,freq] = audioread('notify.wav');
How do I resolve this? Thank you for your answers.

Best Answer

Veronika - which version of MATLAB are you using? According to audioread, this method was introduced in R2012b and so you may not have this function if using an earlier version of MATLAB. At the Command Line, type
which audioread -all
to see if you have this function and
to determine your version of MATLAB.