MATLAB: Problem with Matlab Standalone Application


Good morning to everyone.
I have developed an application in Matlab appdesigner but unfortunately at the time of exporting it as a desktop application, it doesn't work properly and I think it's because it's not exporting certain functions ("cell2sym, solve, str2sym, subs, syms") that I use in my code. How could I fix it? Make use of those functions frequently in my code. Thank you !
mcc -o ShaftDesign -W 'WinMain:ShaftDesign,version=1.0' -T link:exe -d D:\Programs\Matlab\AppDesigner\Tesina3_1\for_testing -v D:\Programs\Matlab\AppDesigner\Tesina2.mlapp -r 'C:\Program Files\Polyspace\R2020a\toolbox\compiler\resources\default_icon.ico'
Compiler version: 8.0 (R2020a)
Dependency analysis by REQUIREMENTS.
Warning: In "D:\Programs\Matlab\AppDesigner\Tesina2.mlapp", "cell2sym, solve, str2sym, subs, syms" are excluded from packaging for the MATLAB Runtime environment according to the MATLAB Compiler license. Either remove the file or function from your code, or use the MATLAB function "isdeployed" to ensure the function is not invoked in the deployed component.
Parsing file "D:\Programs\Matlab\AppDesigner\Tesina2.mlapp"
(referenced from command line).
Generating file "D:\Programs\Matlab\AppDesigner\Tesina3_1\for_testing\readme.txt".
Creating the bundle…
Creating the install agent URL file…
Web based installer created at D:\Programs\Matlab\AppDesigner\Tesina3_1\for_redistribution\MyAppInstaller_web.exe.
Packaging complete.
Elapsed packaging time was: 46 seconds.

Best Answer

Symbolic Toolbox can never be compiled.