MATLAB: Problem with DICOM Read for MPEG


I'm attempting to read an exported dicom image of a fluoroscopy scan. The dicominfo command will correctly read the header and I can see all of the elements. However, using dicomread gives the following error:
Error using error
Incorrect number of parameters supplied for
'images:dicomread:unsupportedEncoding'. Expected 1 but found 0.
Error in dicomread>newDicomread (line 235)
Error in dicomread (line 91)
[X, map, alpha, overlays] = newDicomread(msgname, frames, useVRHeuristic);
The transfer syntax UID is '1.2.840.10008.' , does anyone know if this format is not supported by MATLAB? If it isn't has anyone written any code they'd be willing to share to read these types of DICOM files?

Best Answer

It is trying to give you an error message saying that the encoding is not supported. However there is a problem with the error() call: it has been coded to require a UID passed as part of the message but the function missed passing that.
The message that should have been generated was
Data encoding for transfer syntax UID "<UID>" not supported.
where <UID> is the UID involved in the problem.
The stored transfer syntax appears to be "MPEG2 Main Profile Main Level"
In short: dicomread does not support MPEG2 encoding of data.