MATLAB: Problem with datenum usage

datenumMATLABtime seriestime stamp

I am trying to use the datenum function of matlab to convert into dates I read through the manual in matlab andhave used
Time = datenum(num2str(time),'yyyymmdd');
which works but when i change it to also register the Hours and Minutes in failed
time = A(:,1);
Time = datenum(num2str(time),'yyyymmddHHMN');
DATENUM failed.
Error in SWAN2buoy (line 29)
Time = datenum(num2str(time),'yyyymmddHHMN');
Caused by:
Error using cnv2icudf (line 131)
Unrecognized minute format. Format string: yyyymmddHHMN.`
have to say that I am using datenum to read timeseries from a file i have, and i would like to have it it a full timeseries form The original uploaded date format is
thank you

Best Answer

Its a typo:
MN should be MM