MATLAB: Problem with connection

Simscape Electricalsimulink

Hi… I create a model but appear the next error:
"The following two blocks cannot be connected in series because they are modeled as current sources:
Block 1: Ideal Switch1 Block 2: Subsystem/Controlled Current Source
Add a high-value resistance in parallel with one of the two block. You can also specify high-value resistive snubbers if the blocks have a snubber device."
The Ideal Switch1 and the Subsystem/Controlled Current Source was SimPowerSystems but what resistor i use to correct the error?

Best Answer

I already put like the image, but appear the same error :(
The error is: "The following two blocks cannot be connected in series because they are modeled as current sources:
Block 1: Ideal Switch Block 2: Controlled Current Source
Add a high-value resistance in parallel with one of the two block. You can also specify high-value resistive snubbers if the blocks have a snubber device."
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