MATLAB: Problem with break statement

breakforifMATLABnested for

I have a code:
for i=1:n
for j=1:n
if 'some condition'
'some logic'
if 'some condition'
now my question is that if the 2nd if statement is true and it breaks shouldnt it end the 2nd for loop since if statement is under 2nd for loop but whenever I run this if the 2nd if statement is true and it breaks it ends the 1st for loop.
Any guidance is highly appreciated.

Best Answer

> ...shouldn't it end the 2nd for loop since if statement is under 2nd for loop... ?
Yes, it should end the 2nd loop and that's what it's doing. To better understand what's going on, I inserted fprintf commands in each loop so you can see the iteration numbers. The first condition is true when j==2 and the second nested condition is true when i==3 (while j is equal to 2).
n = 4;
for i=1:n
j = NaN;
fprintf('\n i=%d, j=%d',i,j)
for j=1:n
fprintf('\n i=%d, j=%d',i,j)
if j==2
fprintf(' CONDITION 1')
if i==3
fprintf(' & CONDITION 2: breaking')
end % end i==2 test
end % end j==2 test
You can see (below) that the break condition occurs when i==3 and j==2 and on the next iteration, the i-loop interates to i==4 and the j-loop resets.