MATLAB: Problem in Using imwrite() Function

digital image processingImage Processing ToolboxMATLAB

for i = 1 : 60000
name1 = [ 'something' , num2str(i) , '.tif' ] ;
pj = importdata(name1) ;
% do some processing on pj and then save it to new_fig
new_fig = pj ;
% Write Image Data to a File:
name2 = ['Output_File_' , num2str(i) , '.tif'] ; %%
imwrite(new_fig , name2) ;
Now the issue is that I want my file names like,
  • 'Outfile_File_00001'
  • 'Outfile_File_00010'
  • 'Outfile_File_00100'
  • 'Outfile_File_01000'
you get the idea.
This is required because for subsequent processing. So can anyone suggest me how to go about it. Please remember here, that the overall code is computationally intensive. So I don't want to use any if statments inside the loop. Can we solve this without making use of any if statments.
Thanks 🙂

Best Answer

What I'd do is
name2 = sprintf('Output_File_%6.6d.tif', i);