MATLAB: Problem in calculating the derivative of a cost function

image processingimage registrationmathematics

Hi, I'm having a problem with the calculation of the following cost function:
, where the vector T of displacement is calculated according the parametric function B-Splines (see below) and F and R are 3D images :
I have to calculate the derivative of the SSD function according with the parameters phi. The expression for this derivative is given by:
, where the derivatives inside of the function are given by:
Sorry for the amount of mathematical expressions.
My problem is: The expression of the derivative 1 should give me a vector with the number of parameters of phi, right? But my implementation is not returning that number of parameters (see below). So, what am I doing wrong?
[Gx, Gy, Gz] = imgradientxyz(ft, 'central');
Dt_Dtheta = g_transformation3_gradient(ft, delta);
Dssd_Dphi = cat(4, Gx.*2.*(ft - fr).*Dt_Dtheta, Gy.*2.*(ft - fr).*Dt_Dtheta, ...
Gz.*2.*(ft - fr).*Dt_Dtheta);
function grad = g_transformation3_gradient(f, delta)
%f --> image to be transformed
%c --> control points matrix
%delta --> spacing in pixels, between the control points
[X, Y, Z] = size(f);
x0 = 0:(X - 1);
y0 = 0:(Y - 1);
z0 = 0:(Z - 1);
u = x0./delta - floor(x0./delta);
v = y0./delta - floor(y0./delta);
w = z0./delta - floor(z0./delta);
Bu = zeros(4, numel(u));
Bv = zeros(4, numel(v));
Bw = zeros(4, numel(w));
%Computing the vector of B-splines
Bu(1, :) = ((1 - u).^3)/6;
Bu(2, :) = (3*u.^3 - 6*u.^2 + 4)/6;
Bu(3, :) = (-3*u.^3 + 3*u.^2 + 3*u + 1)/6;
Bu(4, :) = (u.^3)/6;
Bv(1, :) = ((1 - v).^3)/6;
Bv(2, :) = (3*v.^3 - 6*v.^2 + 4)/6;
Bv(3, :) = (-3*v.^3 + 3*v.^2 + 3*v + 1)/6;
Bv(4, :) = (v.^3)/6;
Bw(1, :) = ((1 - w).^3)/6;
Bw(2, :) = (3*w.^3 - 6*w.^2 + 4)/6;
Bw(3, :) = (-3*w.^3 + 3*w.^2 + 3*w + 1)/6;
Bw(4, :) = (w.^3)/6;
T0 = Bu(1, :).*(Bv(1, :)'.*(reshape(Bw(1, :), [1 1 Z]) + ...
reshape(Bw(2, :), [1 1 Z]) + ...
reshape(Bw(3, :), [1 1 Z]) + ...
reshape(Bw(4, :), [1 1 Z])) + ...
Bv(2, :)'.*(reshape(Bw(1, :), [1 1 Z]) + ...
reshape(Bw(2, :), [1 1 Z]) + ...
reshape(Bw(3, :), [1 1 Z]) + ...
reshape(Bw(4, :), [1 1 Z])) +...
Bv(3, :)'.*(reshape(Bw(1, :), [1 1 Z]) + ...
reshape(Bw(2, :), [1 1 Z]) + ...
reshape(Bw(3, :), [1 1 Z]) + ...
reshape(Bw(4, :), [1 1 Z])) + ...
Bv(4, :)'.*(reshape(Bw(1, :), [1 1 Z]) + ...
reshape(Bw(2, :), [1 1 Z]) + ...
reshape(Bw(3, :), [1 1 Z]) + ...
reshape(Bw(4, :), [1 1 Z])));
%matr = reshape(Bu(1, :), [1 1 Z]);
%T0 = Bu(1, :).*(Tw0);
%clear Tw0 ;
T1 = Bu(2, :).*(Bv(1, :)'.*(reshape(Bw(1, :), [1 1 Z]) + ...
reshape(Bw(2, :), [1 1 Z]) + ...
reshape(Bw(3, :), [1 1 Z]) + ...
reshape(Bw(4, :), [1 1 Z])) + ...
Bv(2, :)'.*(reshape(Bw(1, :), [1 1 Z]) + ...
reshape(Bw(2, :), [1 1 Z]) + ...
reshape(Bw(3, :), [1 1 Z]) + ...
reshape(Bw(4, :), [1 1 Z])) + ...
Bv(3, :)'.*(reshape(Bw(1, :), [1 1 Z]) + ...
reshape(Bw(2, :), [1 1 Z]) + ...
reshape(Bw(3, :), [1 1 Z]) + ...
reshape(Bw(4, :), [1 1 Z])) + ...
Bv(4, :)'.*(reshape(Bw(1, :), [1 1 Z]) + ...
reshape(Bw(2, :), [1 1 Z]) + ...
reshape(Bw(3, :), [1 1 Z]) + ...
reshape(Bw(4, :), [1 1 Z])));
%matr = reshape(Bu(2, :), [1 1 Z]);
%T1 = Bu(2, :).*(Tw1);
%clear Tw1;
T2 = Bu(3, :).*(Bv(1, :)'.*(reshape(Bw(1, :), [1 1 Z]) + ...
reshape(Bw(2, :), [1 1 Z]) + ...
reshape(Bw(3, :), [1 1 Z]) + ...
reshape(Bw(4, :), [1 1 Z])) + ...
Bv(2, :)'.*(reshape(Bw(1, :), [1 1 Z]) + ...
reshape(Bw(2, :), [1 1 Z]) + ...
reshape(Bw(3, :), [1 1 Z]) + ...
reshape(Bw(4, :), [1 1 Z])) + ...
Bv(3, :)'.*(reshape(Bw(1, :), [1 1 Z]) + ...
reshape(Bw(2, :), [1 1 Z]) + ...
reshape(Bw(3, :), [1 1 Z]) + ...
reshape(Bw(4, :), [1 1 Z])) + ...
Bv(4, :)'.*(reshape(Bw(1, :), [1 1 Z]) + ...
reshape(Bw(2, :), [1 1 Z]) + ...
reshape(Bw(3, :), [1 1 Z]) + ...
reshape(Bw(4, :), [1 1 Z])));
%matr = reshape(Bu(3, :), [1 1 Z]);
%T2 = Bu(3, :).*(Tw2);
%clear Tw2;
T3 = Bu(4, :).*(Bv(1, :)'.*(reshape(Bw(1, :), [1 1 Z]) + ...
reshape(Bw(2, :), [1 1 Z]) + ...
reshape(Bw(3, :), [1 1 Z]) + ...
reshape(Bw(4, :), [1 1 Z])) + ...
Bv(2, :)'.*(reshape(Bw(1, :), [1 1 Z]) + ...
reshape(Bw(2, :), [1 1 Z]) + ...
reshape(Bw(3, :), [1 1 Z]) + ...
reshape(Bw(4, :), [1 1 Z])) + ...
Bv(3, :)'.*(reshape(Bw(1, :), [1 1 Z]) + ...
reshape(Bw(2, :), [1 1 Z]) + ...
reshape(Bw(3, :), [1 1 Z]) + ...
reshape(Bw(4, :), [1 1 Z])) + ...
Bv(4, :)'.*(reshape(Bw(1, :), [1 1 Z]) + ...
reshape(Bw(2, :), [1 1 Z]) + ...
reshape(Bw(3, :), [1 1 Z]) + ...
reshape(Bw(4, :), [1 1 Z])));
%matr = reshape(Bu(4, :), [1 1 Z]);
%T3 = Bu(4, :).*(Tw3);
%clear Tw3;
grad = T0 + T1 + T2 + T3;

Best Answer

Try this
[U,V,W] = meshgrid(u,v,w);
%Computing the vector of B-splines
Bu(:,:,:,1) = ((1 - U).^3)/6;
Bu(:,:,:,2) = (3*U.^3 - 6*U.^2 + 4)/6;
Bu(:,:,:,3) = (-3*U.^3 + 3*U.^2 + 3*U + 1)/6;
Bu(:,:,:,4) = (U.^3)/6;
Bv(:,:,:,1) = ((1 - V).^3)/6;
Bv(:,:,:,2) = (3*V.^3 - 6*V.^2 + 4)/6;
Bv(:,:,:,3) = (-3*V.^3 + 3*V.^2 + 3*V + 1)/6;
Bv(:,:,:,4) = (V.^3)/6;
Bw(:,:,:,1) = ((1 - W).^3)/6;
Bw(:,:,:,2) = (3*W.^3 - 6*W.^2 + 4)/6;
Bw(:,:,:,3) = (-3*W.^3 + 3*W.^2 + 3*W + 1)/6;
Bw(:,:,:,4) = (W.^3)/6;
Tgrad = zeros(size(U));
for i = 1:4
for j = 1:4
for k = 1:4
Tgrad = Tgrad + Bu(:,:,:,i).*Bv(:,:,:,j).*Bw(:,:,:,k);