MATLAB: Printing out a variable in while loop

fprintfwhile loop

In my document, Im pretty sure my code is right, I just dont get why my estimated and actual cube root values come out the same. I dont think theyre supposed to be that way, and I have no idea what variable to print out for the actual cube root fprintf statement. Would i need an equation for an actual cube root, although the directions dont say anything about that. Right now, I am just greatly confused, the help i have received so far isnt clicking for me.

Best Answer

Nick - your answers come out the same since you are writing out the same variable for each print statement:
fprintf('The actual cube root is %0.3f\n', Estimate)
fprintf('The estimate of the cube root is %0.3f\n', Estimate)
The actual cube root of the input number would be
fprintf('The actual cube root is %0.3f\n', x^(1/3));
where x is the number that you are trying to compute the cube root of. For example,
x = input('Please enter a number:');
will allow the user to enter a number that he or she wishes to find the cube root of. Note that in your code you do
CubeRoot=input('Please enter a number:')
The above line is misleading since the number entered by the user is not the cube root but is the number that they wish to find the cube root of.