MATLAB: Position of points relative to a plane


I'm looking for a way to decide whether a point is on, to the left, or to the right of a plane. I have it to work for a selected point. For example, given a number of (x,y,z) coordinates, I'm able to determine what points are on, or across the a line drawn from a point say x = 3. The code I developed works perfect. However, I want to expand on this so that any plane can be used not just the yz plane (x = 3). I want to do a batch check on all the points in a variable called vertices. There will always be three point coordinates in this variable.

Best Answer

  1. Obtain the equation of the plane
  2. If the point (x,y,z) satisfy the equation, the point is on the plane. I don't think you can use the word 'left' and 'right' to describe the position before you have specified the reference axis.
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