MATLAB: Plotyy problem, curves incomplete


Hello everyone,
I am beginning with Matlab, and I am trying to plot a lot of datas. In fact, I am using a plotyy to plot 5 curves on the first y-axis and one on the second. And I don't know why, but all the curve plotted on the second axes will be incomplete. Meaning that for example all my datas are from t [0;150]. My first axis curves are going until t=150, but on the second graph, they stop around 140.
I looked at the variables, but everthing is fine their (I have all the necessary datas). I also tried to reduce the x axis (from [0;150] to [0,130]) but I have also the same problem, datas on the second y-axis stop around 120. I really don't understand why. Maybe this is just coming from the plotyy but I really do not understand why.
Thanks in advance for your help everyone!
My code is attach to this post

Best Answer

Would need the data to go along with the m-file to see for certain but I note that you have one xlim call with no axes specified--my best guess is you have different x limits on the two owing to that.
I suggest after
follow with
linkaxes(ax,'x') % link the two x-axes to match up with each other automagically
xlim(ax(1),[0 150])
and there's a good chance your problem will be cured. Otherwise, as noted, will need the data to reproduce the problem.