MATLAB: Plotting with categorical data


Plotting a bar chart with a categorical vector on the x-axis and a double vector on the y-axis.
The resulting bar chart is alphabetically arranged (by default) by the categorical vector on the x-axis.
How does one arrange the bar chart with highest to lowest values from the double vector on the y-axis ?
R, Shaun

Best Answer

Based on the help for the bar plot function with categoricals the solution is possibly to use the reordercats function.
I found this to be the way to do it
workdays = {'monday','tuesday','wednesday','thursday','friday','saturday','sunday'};
workhours = [8.0 4.5 8.2 7.4 10.2 3.1 0.6];
[~,arr] = sort(workhours,'descend');
X = reordercats(categorical(workdays),workdays(arr));