MATLAB: Plotting the points near to origin

graphmatlab functionoptimization

18 10
72 28
43 28
43 61
24 43
10 55
22 24
51 75
52 75
21 41
39 35
9 31
30 60
25 10
19 37
55 75
22 33
18 61
31 39
33 15
22 24
42 43
13 16
70 46
70 74
here is my x and y values, if i plot my graph i get it as shown below but i dont my graph with all points of my data
i wanted my graph like this as shown below, only the highlited part which is near to the zero, i want some points like 10-15 values which are near to the point zero from my data, and can i get values the points.
please can you help me to do this, which will be very help full for my execution

Best Answer

Your data doesn't seem to fit your plots. The code below should give you an idea of how you could do this. You could also define a cutoff distance and show everything below that distance.
X=XY(:,1);Y=XY(:,2);%XY is the array as you posted in your question
axis([0 80 0 80])
%instead of order(1:10) you can also use this: