MATLAB: Plotting multiple separate lines


x1=[0 2 3]
y1=[11 19 12]
x2=[24 25 22]
y2=[36 38 39]
for i=1:length(x1)
A = [x1 y1]; B = [x2 y2];
axis([0 50 0 50])
I have the two endpoints ((x1,y1); (x2,y2)) of three lines as shown above. I want to plot these a separate lines. But when i use "plot" function, the lines are connected. I will appreciate your help.

Best Answer

Plot them as column vectors, not row vectors.
Try this:
A = [x1(:) y1(:)]; B = [x2(:) y2(:)];
I am not certain what result you want, so you may need to experiment.