MATLAB: Plotting graph with excel file


figure (2)
hold on
plot (RunNo2,CAL2,'Linewidth',2)
grid on
xlabel ('Time (s)')
ylabel ('\theta (\circ)')
title ('Contact Angle vs Evaporation Time')
Time CA1 CA2
0 53.34 53.34
78 44.64 44.23
143 37 37.22
207 34.63 34.56
240 32.57 35.64
280 29.54 33.97
356 27.61 31.57
420 24.66 27.34
456 22.86 29.43
500 19.18 14.17
534 15.13 21.49
560 11.13 15.78
600 0 0
Hello everyone,
I have these values from excel and I want to plot them on matlab. When I use the plot function it just plots it as time 1,2,3,4… instead of the numbers in the data above. Furthermore, I'm using a hold on command in my plot. This is because I want to plot the experimental values above along with the theoretical values provided by the model. How do I just plot the above points on to my model at the time provided? I have attached the code to this question.

Best Answer

We'll have to make some assumptions, since we don't have all the details.
I'm going to assume your data is in a table with 3 variables, Time, CA1, and CA2. I'll assume that table is named 'Data'.
plot(Data.Time, Data.CA1)
hold on
plot(Data.Time, Data.CA2)
hold off
When you don't specify the X values in your plot command, MATLAB plots Y against it's index number (1, 2, 3, ...).