MATLAB: Plotting Data vs timeline


I would like to plot some Data against a timeline and I kind of managed to do so, but with the problem that I also plot the time itself in the Diagram.
Is there a possibility to hide the Timedata in the Diagram? Or do I need to change the Code?
I attached the Diagram just for clarification of the Problem.
Data = xlsread('Repräsentative Profile VDEW.xls','H0','B4:B99');
Time = xlsread('Repräsentative Profile VDEW.xls','H0','A4:A99');
order = 3;
framelen = 11;
sgf = sgolayfilt(Data,order,framelen);
datetick('x', 'HH:MM')
hold on
Thank you in Advance!

Best Answer

The straight line is appearing in the graph because of the interpolating nature of the plot() function.
Data extracted from the excel file is as follows (according to the given figure).
But, because of the interpolative nature of the plot(), there occurs a line joining consecutive data points (0.98958,101.5594) and (0,93.3783).
The sgolayfilt() is responsible for smoothing of the signal.
You may get rid of line either by deleting or appending y=93.3783 at the starting.
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