MATLAB: Peak width calculation methods

matlab peak width

I'm calculating peak width using half-prominence method . For the peak in the rectangle is there is a method to make the horizontal line the finds the widths to shift up or make vertical line like this image
? . I tried both methods for peak width detection (half-width, half-prominence ) but it gave me the same results .
close all
order =9 ;
framelen =15;
lx = 20;
% generate sinal
x = 1:1:1432;
y = (AV)';
y = sgolayfilt(y,order,framelen);
% get derivatives
dy = diff(y);
dx = diff(x);
dy_dx = [0 dy./dx];
% get peaks with width computed by 'findpeaks'
[pks,locs,peakWidth1,p] = findpeaks(y,x,'MinPeakProminence',0.006);
half-height :
order =7 ;
framelen =11;
lx = 20;
sgf = sgolayfilt(x,order,framelen);
hold on;
sgf= 0.02-sgf;
pks = -pks;

Best Answer

It seems you are interested in the relative height of the spike with its immediate vicinity (not with respect to higher peaks). To do that, try subtracting off the results of a lowpass or median filter first.
findpeaks(sgf - medfilt1(sgf,21), ...)