MATLAB: Plotting 3d gaussian beam

3d gaussian beamMATLAB

hi there, I'm a greenhorn in matlab, and i want to ask you about simulation of 3d nano beaming process. a simple way to say is; i want to engrave a model into a material and the input argument i had is x,y,z, material coefficient and beam density, the x,y,z value are not in order (from small to large) . which x and y represent the location of a dot in the material, suppose a silicone, and z represent the dwell-time of the beam. the actual depth of the material is determined by = material coefficient*dwell-time*beam density. do you have a matlab code that can simulate this problem? i want the curve to be smooth like a gaussian beam. and in addition the beam is in circular form, the larger the beam the larger the effect of the x and y.
for example: i had this file that contain a dot, which x=5,y=5 and z=5, material coef=1 and beam density =1 so i want a smooth curve (cavity) in x=5 and y=5 coordinate, its depth is 5. and if i change the beam power to 2, so it will change the depth become 10, and it will affect the neighboring point, suppose a 1 radius from x=5 and y=5 has the Gaussian distribution of the beam.
i really need this matlab code, i hope you can help me. thank you very much, and sorry for my English. if is there any question please do email me.
Kind Regards,

Best Answer

If you just want to plot it, then look at using an isosurface and a patch objects. Also look at some of the other volume visualization products, available here:
docsearch volume visualization
You could also use some of the regular plotting functions like
I think it would help us a lot if you could find a similar image on google so that we know what we're looking for.
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