MATLAB: Plotting with values stored in Struct problem


I am trying to graph points saved in a structure. I get the values in different functions and save them to the structure. When I run the entire program, when it gets to the output function to plot everything I get the error:
_Undefined function 'beam_deflection_output' for input arguments of type 'struct'.
Error in Beam_Deflection (line 81) beam_deflection_output(Beam);_
Here is the Code for the output function:
function [] = beam_deflection_ouput(Beam)
%UNTITLED7 Summary of this function goes here
% Detailed explanation goes here
% Plotting the Info
astr=['Deflection of a ',Beam.Material,', ', Beam.Type,' with a ',Beam.Load,' Load and ',Beam.Support,' Support'];
bstr=['Beam Displacement (',Beam.Magnitude,'N)'];
grid on
xlabel('Beam Length');
set(gca,'YLim',[-150 150]);
set(gca,'XLim',[0 Beam.Length]);

Best Answer

You defined function beam_deflection_ouput without a "t" after the "ou". "ouput" instead of "output"