MATLAB: Plot multiple legend in a loop with variable


In result folder are multiple subfolder with .mat-files (in this example 3)
I want load and print all .mat-files in one plot
Legend should show a .mat-filenames
I tried to make different dancing moves, but it still shows me just one (last filename) and data1 (that I want to remove)
Legends_results =
1×3 cell array
{'001_M1_0.5m_AKG_F1_MS1.mat'} {'002_M1_0.5m_AKG_F1_MS1.mat'} {'003_M1_0.5m_AKG_F1_MS1.mat'}
Help me please to:
  1. plot all names to legend
  2. remove/avoid plot "data1"
my code:
steps_SNR = 1; %%%change
i = dir('**/*.mat');
Legends_results = cell(1,length(i));
for p = 1:length(i)
roc_file_name = i(p).name;
for a = 1:length(i)
f=@(m) repmat(c,1,nnz(Legends_results));

SNR_help = ((length(M)-1)/2)*steps_SNR;
SNR = -SNR_help:steps_SNR:SNR_help;
%figure('Name',' receiver operating characteristic','NumberTitle','on');
hold all
p1 = plot(M(:,2),M(:,1),'--o');
buffer = [.1 .3 .5];
buffer = repmat(buffer,1,ceil(numel(M(:,2))/numel(buffer)));
buffer(numel(M(:,2))+1:end) = [];
[~, ySortIdx] = sort(M(:,2));
buffer(ySortIdx) = buffer;
labelpoints(M(:,2),M(:,1), SNR, 'E', buffer)
hold all
lgd = legend([p1],Legends_results{p},'Interpreter','none','Location','Best');
title(lgd,'Compare AKG and Sony')
hold all
help_x = 0:0.1:1;
help_y = 0:0.1:1;
xlabel('False discovery rate')
ylabel('True positive rate')
xlim([0 1]);
ylim([0 1]);
Thank you in advice!

Best Answer

I suggest you apply this 2-step approach to your code.
Step 1: Use the DisplayName property of graphics objects to define the legend strings.
Step 2: Use the graphics object handles to specify what is included in the legend.
This example below shows the structure of these two steps.
cla() % clear axes
hold on
n = 6;
h = gobjects(n,3); % used to store the graphics handles
labels = {'aaa' 'bbb' 'ccc' 'ddd' 'eee' 'fff'};
colors = lines(n);
for j = 1:3
for i = 1:n
% STEP 1: use DisplayName
h(i,j) = plot(1:5, rand(1,5)+i-1, '-o', 'Color', colors(i,:), 'DisplayName', labels{i})
% STEP 2: Specify which handles are included.
legend(h(:,1)); % Only include the 1st column of handles