MATLAB: How do i change the linewidth and the fontsize in a legend


I use handles to modify my plots. But in the legend, the width of the line before the plot (marker line) is connected to the linewidth of the plot itself. The fontsize alone is a piece of cake. But the changing of the two properties gave me a hard time. I found a solution of the linewidth problem
hp = plot(x_data,plot 1,'color',[0.93,0.69,0.13],'LineWidth',0.25);
hold on
plot(x_data,plot 2,'k','LineWidth',1.5)
hold off
[hleg, hobj, hout, mout] = legend('plot 1','plot 2','Location','Northeast');
to change the linewidth inside the legend, but i cannot change (or i dind't found a way) to change the fontsize with this method.

Best Answer

[~, hobj, ~, ~] = legend({'ONE','TWO'},'Fontsize',12,'Location','Northeast');
hl = findobj(hobj,'type','line');
ht = findobj(hobj,'type','text')