MATLAB: Plot histograms of two samples as plots


I would like to plot the histograms of two samples as a line plot.
I've been using the histograms functions but this is not what I want. I would like the histogram to be a plot rather than histogram with boxes.
I would also like to plot the line plot of each sample in the same plot but using different colour. I would also like to fix the x- and y-axis.
Can someone help with this?

Best Answer

"I would like the histogram to be a plot rather than histogram with boxes."
Option 1: Draw line at the center, top of each bar
I interpretted this as a line that traces the height of each bar of the histogram. Or, would you rather plot the probability density function? Here's a demo that achieves the prior.
% Create some fake data
a = randn(1, 10000).*100;
b = randn(1, 10000).*50;
% Create histogram bins
nBins = 50; %number of bins
aEdges= linspace(min(a),max(a), nBins+1);
bEdges= linspace(min(b),max(b), nBins+1);
hold on
aX = aEdges(2:end)-((aEdges(2)-aEdges(1))/2); %bin centers

aCounts = histcounts(a,aEdges);
plot(aX, aCounts, 'b-s')
hold on
bX = bEdges(2:end)-((bEdges(2)-bEdges(1))/2); %bin centers
bCounts = histcounts(b,bEdges);
plot(bX, bCounts, 'r-s')
" I would also like to fix the x- and y-axis"
I'm not quite sure what you mean but perhaps ylim, xlim would help?
Option 2: Fit the histrogram with a smooth line
See the examples in the documentation