MATLAB: Plot an interpolated plane in between two planes

interpolate planeinterpolationMATLABplot interpolated planescattered interpolation

I have two ground truth depth images (image 1 and image 2) which are located at different distances (150 cm and 203 cm) from the camera. Both the depth images are perpendicular to the camera. I am uploading here the original images.
I'd like to get a middle image by interpolation which will be in between these images (see the illustration).
To do that, I have first cropped the object from the images and then planning to use scatteredinterpolant function to get the interpolated plane in between these two images. However, I am struggling how exactly should I define the interpolation to get the interpolated plane.
I have attached here the depth images and the cropped images and a bit of codes which I did so far.
Any suggestions?
Note: I already have a middle ground truth depth image which is located at 178 cm. I need the interpolated plane so that I can compare the accuracy of the ground truth image with the interpolated plane/surface.
thresholdValue = 10;
originalImage1 = imread('depth_153.png');
originalImage2 = imread('depth_203.png');
binaryImage1 = originalImage1 > thresholdValue;
binaryImage2 = originalImage2 > thresholdValue;
EdgeMeasurements1 = regionprops(binaryImage1, originalImage1, 'all');
EdgeMeasurements2 = regionprops(binaryImage2, originalImage2, 'all');
croppedImage1 = imcrop(originalImage1, EdgeMeasurements1.BoundingBox);
croppedImage2 = imcrop(originalImage2, EdgeMeasurements2.BoundingBox);
x = 1:size(croppedImage1,1);
y = 1:size(croppedImage1,2);
[X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y);

Best Answer

thresholdValue = 10;
originalImage1 = imread('depth_153.png');
originalImage2 = imread('depth_203.png');
binaryImage1 = originalImage1 > thresholdValue;
binaryImage2 = originalImage2 > thresholdValue;
I = cat(3,binaryImage1,binaryImage2) ;
[nx,ny] = size(binaryImage1) ;
[X,Y,D] = ndgrid(1:nx,1:ny,[153 203]) ;
[Xi,Yi,Di] = ndgrid(1:nx,1:ny,[153 178 203]) ;
Ii = interpn(X,Y,D,double(I),Xi,Yi,Di) ;