MATLAB: Cut/crop out region of image

change array valuescutimageimcropMATLAB

I am trying to cut/crop out the centre region of an image using coordinates, so that I am left with a blank region. I.e, something similar to the opposite of imcrop. Or even change the values to zero.
An example image has been provided where I would like to remove the square white signal in the centre and keep the remaining image.
Thank you,

Best Answer

How about this?
I = imread('Original.jpg') ;
[nx,ny] = size(I) ;
% h = imdistline ;
dx = 50 ; % calulated from imdistline
idx = round([(nx/2-dx) (nx/2+dx)]) ;
idy = round([(ny/2-dx) (ny/2+dx)]) ;
I0 = I ;
I(idx(1):idx(2),idy(1):idy(2)) = 0 ;