MATLAB: Plot 1st order bessel derivative

bessel derivative plot

Hi all,
Can i ask if somebody can help me on why i got 'matrix dimension don't agree' thereby cannot get a plot for first order bessel derivative.
If i type 'diff(besselj(1,z),z)', i'd get 'besselj(0, z) – besselj(1, z)/z'
but then when i want to plot 'besselj(0, z) – besselj(1, z)/z' by typing:
format long
z = (0:1:100)';
a=besselj(0, z) - besselj(1, z)/z;
it'd give error as below:
??? Error using ==> minus
Matrix dimensions must agree.
Error in ==> Untitled at 4
a=besselj(0, z) - besselj(1, z)/z;
for some reason the second term gives 101×101 dimension which doesnt agree with the first term (101×1).

Best Answer

I think you need to use element-wise division with the z:
a=besselj(0, z) - besselj(1, z)./z;