MATLAB: Please help me understand the use of dot operator


Hello. I have been having this same problem in a lot of the homework assignments I have been given so far.
What I am trying to do is use the while loop to create values for J, and in the same loop I am trying to use those values of
J to create a new array with the values from tau.
clc; clear ; clear all
F = 10; %Newtons
T = F*0.1 ; %Work
r = 0:5; %mm
i = 1
while i < 6
J = (.5*pi)*r.^4
tau(i) = (T*r)/J
i = i + 1;

Best Answer

The dot operator, used with multiplication, division, and exponentiation, creates element-wise oiperations. See Array vs. Matrix Operations for a full explanation.
The one exception to that is the use of the dot operator in creating matrix transposes. The ‘regular’ matrix transpose (') creates the complex-conjugate transpose of a complex vector or matrix. Using the (.') creates the transpose without doing the complex-conjugate operation.