MATLAB: Pie chart without labels

figurelabelspie chartremove

Hi all, I have created a pie chart but I want to remove all the labels on the exterior of the pie so I just have the partitioned pie in the figure. Does anyone know how to do this? I have seen options to change the labels but not to remove them entirely from the pie chart (at least if they are not visible on the figure that would be also be fine) no-legend-pie-chart.pngThis pie chart is an example of what I would like to achieve. Hopefully this makes it a bit clearer. Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

No need for fragile findobj(ax,__) calls (which may return a lot more than just the pie labels). You can either set the labels to an empty char array, or delete the text objects using the handles returned by pie:
X = 1:3;
labels = repmat({''},size(X));%option 1
p = pie(X,labels);
delete(findobj(p,'Type','text'))%option 2
You can pick either option. I would personally vote for the second, because then you remove the object, instead of making invisible or setting the content to an empty array.