MATLAB: Pcolor/m_pcolor cannot create world map correctly

map errorspcolor

Hello all,
I have an issue to create world mean temperature map correctly with pcolor/m_pcolor. There are strips on the map created. Please see the first map.
h1 = pcolor(lon,lat,statTa(:,:,i)); set(h1,'edgecolor','none'); colorbar;
When I use imagesc, it shows pretty well. Please see the second map. But I think I prefer to use pcolor/m_pcolor to create map since they are more powerful on creating maps. Please help me on what happened when I was using pcolor here. Thank you very much!
h2 = imagesc(lon,lat,statTa(:,:,i)); set(gca,'ydir','normal'); colorbar;

Best Answer

This question has been answered in the comments above, but in case anyone else runs into this problem again, here's an easier-to-find version of the solution. This is a rendering issue in Matlab versions pre-R2014b. Type
If that doesn't work, try
and if that doesn't work, try