MATLAB: “patch” command error

command errorMATLABpatch

mac -OS
MATLAB version-2018a
I have two matrices one with vertices-(280×3) and the other one with faces-(556×3) .
Using patch command as follows
P=patch('Faces',f11,'Vertices',k1); %%%%%f11= face matrix and k1=vertex matrix.
It gives the following error
Error using patch
Value must be of numeric type and greater than 1
Attached are the two files containing the matrices.
Any suggestions on how to eliminate this problem

Best Answer

I suspect you generated the vertex IDs in a programming language that is zero-indexed, instead of one-indexed. If that is the case you can probably fix the issue like this:
P=patch('Faces',1+f11,'Vertices',k1); %%%%%f11= face matrix and k1=vertex matrix.